Vanilla macaron with strawberry filling

The first time I learnt how to make macaron was at a short course place in Singapore. It turned out marvelous.

But that's two years ago. I made it again last week and it turned out disastrous (though probably non-baker wouldn't be able to tell what's so different because it still tasted like a macaron, almond-y crunchie thing) but there's NO FEET! argh. I was devastated, but at that very night I aged another 100g of egg whites to give it another try, which was yesterday. It turned out better, it had feet! I was so ecstatic I sent the picture to the boy while he's busy watching X-Men. 

Though it's still not perfect yet, I'm glad that it still HAD FEET. Problem of this time though: the top part came out hollow and it had a dense bottom. Clearly needs another practice to go. Oh btw, I made the third batch today, turned out exactly the same. And in case you're wondering, I was using Tartelette's recipe. No I don't think it's the recipe, I believe it's my oven... well what could I say it's only an old 60 bucks oven I bought that doesn't have consistent heat and unreliable temperature read. Heh. Having said that, i'm gonna make a fourth batch, probably with another recipe... see how it turns out.


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